You have a landscaping project ?
At your service for more than 35 years, we are R.B.Q. licensed (#1634-0382-82). Our profesionals work is full garanteed to met your expectations.
At your service for more than 35 years.
R.B.Q. #1634-0382-82
Our personnel have an extended experience in their domain. You can trust that their work will exceed your expectations.
Our Services
With Jardin Fleuri, all work is done by experienced personel only. We provide a specialized team at every step of your project.
Complete evaluation with or without plan
We provide you a complete evaluation, even without any plan.
Complete landscaping
Paved stone, walls, concrete or natural stone pavement, water fountains, natural stone, joints repair, sod laying, bush and smal trees planting, cedars, repairs and maintenance. All work is fully garanteed.
Jardin Fleuri is specialized in concrete and natural stone pavement installation as well as in paved stone installation.
Wether it is about concrete or natural stone, Jardin Fleuri offers a great expertise in wall building, as well as in retaining walls construction.
Water fountains
Contact us now and get expert advices on water fountain installation.
Tree planting and sod laying
A wide selection of trees are available at Jardin Fleuri. We also offer sod laying services. contact us for a free estimate.
Natural stone
We have a great deal of experience in stone cutting and natural stones repairs.
Repairs and maintenance
Jardin Fleuri has a great deal of experience on repairing and maintaining landscaping projects, joints repairs and other repairs tasks.
All our work is fully garanteed
About Us
Pionniers dans l’aménagement paysager, Jardin Fleuri a été fondée en 1979. Les nombreux projets que nous avons réalisés nous ont permis de bâtir une solide réputation et une clientèle fidèle. Quelle que soit l’envergure de votre projet, Jardin Fleuri sera à la hauteur de vos attentes. Vous voulez des travaux bien faits et durables? Appelez Jardin Fleuri!

153 Rue Séraphin Marion,
Boucherville, QC
J4B 6T6
(450) 449-5130 • (514) 714-2545
Email address
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